Entrega del medallero , entregado a los equipos triundaores del PRIMER TORNEO BOLIVARIANO , celebrado en la ciudad de Quito del 17 al 25 de Julio del 2006 , al Dr. Rolando Alarcòn Rìos , presidente de la AMF , por parte del Prof. Patricio Ortiz Alarcòn /Ecuador ) y Prof.carlos Briceño (Venezuela ) , funadadores de la LIGA BOLIVARIANA DE FUTSAL .,
Monday, October 27, 2008
To: All affiliated entitiesFrom: Dr. Rolando Alarcón, PresidentSubject: AMF CongressDate: October, 13th 2008
By this means I inform that the World Futsal Association –AMF- Congress will be held in the city of Asuncion, Paraguay on November 22nd and 23rd of the current year.This Presidency will be in charge of the costs of food, lodging and intern transport of one (1) person per entity.I emphasize that there are several topics to be treated, mainly the ones related to the affiliations and the activities schedule, among others.For these reasons, we look forward to receiving the confirmation of your participation as soon as possible.Presidency: Secretary:
La Asociaciòn Mundial de Futsal AMF , realizarà el Congreso Internacional , en la ciudad de Asunciòn del Paraguay , durante los dìas 2 y 23 del presente mes
el Fùtbol de Salòn del Ecuador , estarà representado por el Presidente de nuestra organizaciòn deportiva el Prof. Patricio Ortiz Alarcòn
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